As WordPress theme or
plugin developers, you could come across a need to retrieve a collection
of posts, to be displayed on a page. As a simple use case consider a
requirement to display the latest 5 posts on your homepage, or to list posts
for a particular category, in a category archive page.
For this, WordPress
presents you with several options. You could use the WP_query class, the get_posts function
or the query_posts function (it’s important to note right in
the beginning that the query_posts function comes with a
Put very simply, the
main purpose of any of these is to retrieve a set of posts. But the method
used by each is different. So how are you to decide which method you should be
using? Let’s find out.
Crash Course on WordPress Basics: The Post Object and Loop
For those of you new
to WordPress let’s understand some basics.
Post Object
A post contains not
only written content, but consists of several other parameters like the title,
the id, the category, etc (as part of the post object). Apart from this
information, every post is linked to additional data like author information,
the comments, and other meta data information (not part of the post object).
The Loop is the main
function used by WordPress to display posts. The details of the post to be
displayed, will be maintained for every post within the loop. This is a very
important function and should not be meddled with, without knowledge of the
core operations.
Okay basics done,
coming back to our main topic; how to fetch posts in WordPress.
the use of WP_query, get_posts, query_posts
Since we have three
options, let’s look at each in a bit more detail.
Both get_posts and
query_posts use the instance of WP_query class.
WP_query class provides
you with a global instance $wp_query which is the main query.
When a request is made to display posts (for example this could be from the
theme to display the archive page) the $wp_query is populated
with the query data (which would contain the query conditions, url arguments,
etc.). It then fetches the required posts, and the main loop uses the $wp_query instance
to display the posts and post data.
In case you wanted to
display additional information, say for example a related posts section
above the footer, it is best not to alter the main loop. Instead,
you would have to create a secondary loop, by creating a new instance of
the WP_query class and using this instance to perform the needed operations.
For this, the WP_query
class provides several methods and properties to loop through the posts. It is
advisable not to change the properties directly but use the methods provided to
perform the needed action.
// Create the query
$custom_query = new WP_Query($args);
if( $custom_query->have_posts() ){
$custom_query->have_posts() ){
set the $post to indicate the current post
do some operation
// important to reset $post
Note the use of wp_reset_postdata function
at the end. This is very important to reset the global $post variable
which is updated in the loop.
The get_posts function
is essentially a wrapper over the create new instance of WP_query but returns
an array of posts (not a query object).
Finally the query_posts function
retrieves posts, but should not be used because it alters the main loop to
return the needed results.
In case you want to
add a condition before the main loop is executed use must use the pre_get_posts hook
provided by WordPress to add the condition.
For example if you
wanted to display 5 posts on a page:
function wdm_query_condition( $query ) {
// considering
wdm-page is the page slug
( $query->is_page('wdm-page') && $query->is_main_query() ) {
$query->set( 'posts_per_page', 5 );
// add the condition in pre_get_posts
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'wdm_query_condition' );
You only need to remember two options; the
use of WP_query and the pre_get_posts function. Remember to use WP_query
to add custom loops or secondary loops, and pre_get_posts function, to alter
the main loop.
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